Good, but tired all the time. Most likely because I've been staying up all night until like 4am. Waking up around 9am.
That, and I am thinking about upgrading my pc and getting a gaming desk this time. Just a side project working on.
Hbu? And how has the community been doing? I haven't been on for a solid month or two. The discord isnt really interesting with me poking in every now and then.
I don't really play anymore, but when I do, it's a little changed, I guess. I feel like the community has settled into its normal place again after the reset and is decreasing gradually, but meep is still up. Many people got banned lol
Hey Andrew! It's been awhile. How have you been? You caught me right before me heading to bed. Was about to pass out when I saw an alert on my other monitor lol.
Probably should go to sleep since it's 3:20am, I'll probably reply in 5 or 6 hours if I don't have anything to do in the morning.
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