On a personal note, as one of my best and closest friends I cannot express how happy this makes me and I am just in awe of the way you tirelessly and elegantly carry out any work you're given to such a high standard whilst juggling a hectic schedule outside of meepcraft. You are one of my biggest inspirations.
I know it's just a server and it's just a rank but the way you interact with people and your work is something we should all take note of. I see many great things on the way :)
Yet I am nothing on my own. It is the people I have had the pleasure to work and interact with that have given me the inspiration, the drive, and the passion to keep on pushing. Life is a series of ups and downs, but it is your choice if you have enjoy it.
I can honestly say I have never met anyone like you, and it has been my pleasure to get to know you over the last few months. We've always been friends in my eyes, but only recently has it felt so much more alive. The friendships I have made through this server have felt more intentional and vibrant than any other in my life thus far, and ours is one that shines among all the others.
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