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Best Posts in Thread: Gummibirr's Helper Application (serious One)

  1. PhoenixPuppy

    PhoenixPuppy Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Still in progress....

    In Game Name: GummiBirr
    Skype Username: Sean Tan (GummiBirr)
    Teamspeak Username: GummiBirr
    Mic use: Very much (I like talking and discussing with other players about meep.)
    Age: 12
    Timezone: GMT +8 / Philippines
    Hours online per weekday: 4-7 it depends on how busy i(I) am on with school or in my household chores.
    Hours online per weekend: Usually 7-12
    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod, Mod to SuperMod)
    Citizen to Helper

    Hey meep ! GummiBirr here ! :) I'm applying for helper once again . I'm a 12-year old boy who likes playing
    sports like: F(f)ootball, and B(b)asketball, and having fun with my peers. same age kids. I've been playing Meep for about a month now. and i(I) have learned the rules on of Meepcraft, and the B(b)asics of Meepcraft A(a)s well.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod/Supermod ? :
    Experience in Meep : I've played one month and a half months in on m(M)eepcraft and learned the rules and basics of meep . (You have already started this above, do not repeat the same thing.)

    In one month of playing m(M)eepcraft i(I) have experienced many things, like Being some of which are; being S(s)cammed,G(g)riefed,F(f)ooled,H(h)arassed,and being lured into T(t)raps. (TNT) but it However, that doesn't stop my dream on of being part of the Staff of Meep Meepcraft staff. Even though i(I)'m just new to Meepcraft But i(I) D(d)o help people. Not the one(s) who is Scamming people by saying things like "please help me I need help building on my house but i(I) don't have supplies." But e(E)very
    minute and second that i(I)'m playing Meepcraft i(I)'m learning and improving. how to become more improved and well-experienced player.

    Work :
    For the past weeks I have been an assistant of in Hoenn , A(a) metropolis town that Monkeyhead1999 owns . I have helped many residents in that town on the past weeks . I have helped players that need towns and free houses, i(I) just msg message them and to come to the town. and I give them there their plots and giving them free supplies. and i I also help building there their houses. I can't forgot forget a player that i (I) helped this week his name was OKNEM . I helped him in with his house but though he's not in the town
    Hoenn . At first i (I) found out that his house is made of cobblestone, i(I) felt sorry for him and made a house just for him. i(I) used my own supplies because he just came back from to meepcraft and all of his supplies were gone . w(W)hile i(I)'m doing my job
    (I)'m having fun.

    Activity (Forums,IG and TS):
    I think that i(I)'m active in game, on the forums, and on Teamspeak. While In game, when i(I)'m not busy i(I) come go to /spawn and help new players in meep. I msg them what's the rules are, and how to find a town and make a house. on TS, i(I) have many friends on TS Teamspeak because i(I) like discussing about m(M)eepcraft with other players. and i(I)f i(I)'m bored i got to Kit PvP and play with others i'm a
    solo player and i'm not really good in PvP xD

    Ban Record :
    In over a month in on Meepcraft I have had two B(b)ans, Records i one was banned because of Griefing 1000 dirts, i was banned for 1 day and the other was for restarting my island on skyblock. i was banned for 12 hours .A nd i(I) really regret at my mistakes. when i was banned and learned my lessons of being a fool by stealing dirt. xD (applications are formal, no "XD's)

    I found out what my weakness is are and it's I(i)mmaturity. I know that i(I)'m immature by spaming and fooling with other players. but i stopped on being immaturity now. I've done my best to change my behavior, and act more mature.

    Once again M(m)y name is GummiBirr, T(t)hank you for reading my application. i(I)'m always open to change and improve my character at anytime. Thank you again! :)
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2014
  2. Flamedemond2

    Flamedemond2 Highly flammable

    Likes Received:
    You were banned 3 times actually, first was for theft (less then a month ago), restarting your skybock island for persona gain (yesterday) and swaeing at other users (today). I do not trust you with this position nor would I trust you to follow the rules. It seems obvious to me that you yourself cant follow them, so why should I expect you to be able to enforce them.

    You are also incredibly immature. Here is an example that you said on your wall:
    I look good :3 now i need Mc Girlfriend so i'm not bored :)

    App itself was terrible, and looked like you just hit the enter bar a bunch of times to make it seem longer.

    Overall, -1.