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Best Posts in Thread: Staff Application

  1. ReadingRockstar

    ReadingRockstar Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: ReadingRockstar

    Skype (Yes/No): Yes

    Teamspeak Username: ReadingRockstar

    Mic use: Any time it is needed

    Age: 13

    Timezone: CST (US & Canada)

    Hours online per weekday: 2+

    Hours online per weekend: 2+

    Position Changes: (ex. Citizen to Helper, Helper to Mod)

    Ultimate Helper


    Hola, bonjour, hello whatever language you speak, it’s me, Naythen, also known as ReadingRockstar to most of you. I have been playing MeepCraft since November 17, 2012. Besides Minecraft, I love to swim, read, and play League of Legends. As the time I spent on MeepCraft progressed, I learned new things, had fun, and explored the world of what it is like to wander through the true, “towny,” experience.

    Something I would like to address is my recent purging of account security. ReadingRockstar was recently hacked, but I assure you that I now have complete security of the account, as the email and password were changed.

    Why you should be Helper/Mod ?

    There are several different reasons I believe that I am qualified and ready for staff:


    I have been staff twice in the entire time I have been on MeepCraft. The first was right before CG came, where I was TrialMod for about a week. As TMod, I worked vigorously and tried to achieve/complete the most things that I could. One of the key components of being staff I learned was patience. I learned that sometimes there are people who take longer to comprehend different situations, and multiple explanations were a common occurrence. The second time I was staff was at the start of the, “New MeepCraft,” where I was promoted to helper, and then to moderator in two weeks. Within a few days of being mod, I was asked to run an interview, which taught me that I don’t have to be nervous. I think the last and most important thing that I absorbed while being staff was to be efficient. As a staff member, you want to find out how to make the most things get done adequately in the correct time frame.


    While I returned on my main account about a week ago, I had been hiding in the shadows on my alternate account. I didn’t want to arise anything about me being back until I had the possession of my account that was hacked, as I mentioned earlier. My dedication originates in the fact that I was striving to play the server, and help others as much as I could. However, it was difficult as if there was questions in shout, most players answered before me. My struggle to play MeepCraft was a pure example of my dedication, and how I wanted to reconstruct my activity.


    Now, you may be asking, why you? What makes you better than anyone else applying for helper these days? As I mentioned earlier, I have experience, but also, I have a lot of personality traits that amount up to what is expected of a staff member. I would recognize myself as kind to others. Although I am a blunt person, I attempt to more often than not show a great level of understanding and benevolence when speaking to anyone. Maturity is another one of my key components. I maintain a down-to-earth feel in a consistent manner, while trying to be casual simultaneously. Last, my empathetic disposition. I tend to put myself in the position of those I approach. I go through the thought process of, How would I feel if I were them? I find this to be the most effective way to conduct oneself around others, especially if you are assisting them with anything, i.e; modreqs, questions, etc.


    I have many more weaknesses than I will name here. I feel these are the most important ones that would influence my time as a staff member.

    1. Argumentative

    I like to argue. Always have, probably always will. As I spoke of earlier, I am blunt and not at all afraid of portraying my opinion as it is. Sometimes, I do go overboard when I believe someone is acting rather incompetent. In a staff situation, arguing can be productive, but in past experiences arguing has had harsh consequences for myself.

    2. Inquisitive

    Not that me being inquisitive would affect me being staff directly, but I ask many, many questions, which infrequently, but in intervals is referred to as me being nosy or unknowledgable. I like performing my duties precisely and accurately. If I feel a question needed, it will be asked, I assure you.

    3. Holding grudges

    I don’t believe that it will happen, but if a staff member or a player did do something I found to be atrocious and obnoxious, rude and inconsiderate,etc., a grudge may form. While I will still cooperate with said member, I would try to avoid them at all costs.


    As a staff member, I believe that I could provide many assets and provide new ideas within the community. My empathy and efficiency would ensure I get the job done right, but in a

    timely manner. My experience would broaden my horizons to assist the the staff members who may be struggling or confused. Thank you for viewing my application!

  2. HotAsianBeans

    HotAsianBeans Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Who you is? I've never heard you on TS, and Reading is on TS all the time. Don't comment on applications if you don't know what you are talking about.
    KyloMeep, NotRyqn, Everyone and 8 others like this.
  3. VKL_ReWinDzz

    VKL_ReWinDzz Guest

    Lool, the crew is coming back, greeaat.

    Just came back, and haven't seen you in /shout much

    --- Double Post Merged, Jun 10, 2014, Original Post Date: Jun 10, 2014 ---
    Lool, the crew is coming back, greeaat.

    Just came back, and haven't seen you in /shout much

  4. LexKristen

    LexKristen Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Wow, I am so glad to see this Naythen.

    You are so respectful, polite, inquisitive, and just an overall great member of the community. It was really upsetting when you resigned and became inactive, and I am so ecstatic that you have decided to come back. It would be absolutely amazing if you could return on the staff team. All your qualities are those of a great staff member. Again, I am really happy to see this. Major major major +1 from me!!
  5. Kazarkas

    Kazarkas Legendary Meeper Elder

    Likes Received:
    + Veteran member on the server
    + Good activity on TS, Skype etc...
    + Knowledgeable

    - You may improperly handle certain tasks due to the fact you are BRONZE TRASH.

  6. Msoper(y0b)

    Msoper(y0b) Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    To all the people saying "-1 you just came back" he said in his app (if you bothered to read it) that he just got back in his MAIN ACCOUNT but has been on an alternate one that he doesn't feel the need to publicize.

    Now, I used to hate you, curse you out in game, and when I first met you on team speak I cursed you out until you left the channel. You took the hate well and since then I believe we have become friends and I wanna apologize for my actions, you were a great staff member.+1
  7. Flamedemond

    Flamedemond Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    -1 Jakersf's brother (jk. Jakers is okay)

    But actually, you just got back from a long break and I only see you on ts, which isn't a bad thing, just you're never in game. Good luck nevertheless.