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Best Posts in Thread: Official Meepcraft Reddit

  1. rAwsondayc

    rAwsondayc Celebrity Meeper

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    Meepcraft has a ton of social media sites, why not have reddit?

    For those of you that don't know, reddit is a community based/run forums site where tons of people go for everything from news to bugs about a champ in a game (/r/AzirBugs lol). The site allows people to share creations, videos, pictures and, other media for others to upvote and comment. There are many other subreddits, such as /r/showerthoughts, /r/news, /r/{insert just about anything}.
    There already is a /r/Meepcraft, but I think it'd be awesome for a real, staff run subreddit to be made.


    EDIT: I am not, by far, a person who knows all about reddit so please feel free to correct information that may be wrong.