Upgrade the /modreq system to be more helpful!
Basically right now you do: /modreq and type like up to 10 words of text that dont explain much so anything better really would be nice!
So make this more like and interactive dropdown menu or radial button menu with a bigger text box so people can actually explain what the problem is better!
Example: when you type /modreq a window will opening and give you options to choose from like this..
IGN of player that is having problems: Hornemans
Server & Location of problem [x, y, z coordinates if possible](40 characters or less): Alpha 234, 56, -287 or Alpha my town or etc
Radial Button or Dropdown Menu - (select one of the following):
1. Someone Took Your Stuff
2. Someone Messed Up Your Plot
3. You are Stuck In Game
4. You died from a Player or Glitch
5. Other - Please Describe
Details Here (250 characters or less): I found and inappropriate build/skin, here is screenshot of it, /http://imgur.com/linkeherebhlablahblah.jpg
IGN of player that is having problems: Cooleysworld
Server & Location of problem [x, y, z coordinates if possible](40 characters or less): spawn somewhere
Radial Button or Dropdown Menu - (select one of the following):
1. Someone Took Your Stuff
2. Someone Messed Up Your Plot
3. You are Stuck In Game
4. You died from a Player or Glitch
5. Other - Please Describe
Details Here (250 characters or less): Someone trapped cooleysworld in a netherproal and he can't type/move someone please halp him
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