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Best Posts in Thread: Guide to Donator Perks

  1. CluelessKlutz

    CluelessKlutz Badmin

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    As of the date of posting this, these are all the perks for all donator ranks which can be bought from the server shop either by purchasing them directly, or through the use of rank sellers. I will attempt to keep this thread as up to date as possible as things change.
    • Vip
    This is the first rank in a series of donator ranks. For your donation you gain the ability to teleport back to your previous location with the /back command. You also get a free virtual inventory with /pv. You can set up to 10 /sethomes. You gain access to the first effect, as well. View the effects menu by doing "/h" or "/e" to see all of them, though it will tell you what rank each effect is attached to by positioning your mouse over it. You can launch a firework with /fw. You can also set the visible weather settings for yourself using /pweather.
    • Premium
    For the premium donation you receive everything a VIP gets plus more. This includes the ability to disguise into a pig with /dis pig. You can delete an inventory with /ci, or /kill yourself. You also gain an addition row in /pv for storage. You can set up to 15 sethomes, and gain additional effects. You get a total of 2 plots in creative. Open up a virtual crafting table using /workbench, /ewb, or /craft.

    • Exclusive
    With the exclusive rank you gain all the perks Vip->Premium get. Additional disguises are included: cow, sheep. Exclusive also comes with yet another additional row in /pv for storage. You can use /ec or /echest to access your enderchest. You can set up to 35 homes, more effects, and set your own time with /ptime. In creative, you can now own up to 3 plots, and spawn in heads with /ph spawn (player name).

    • Elite
    As an Elite, you receive all lower rank perks as well as additional disguises: villager, ocelot, squid, mooshroom, chicken. You can use /nv for unlimited night vision to explore the darkest of caves. You can now own 4 plots in creative. Wear items with /hat! One additional row in /pv for storage, with 75 sethomes total.

    • Supreme
    You gain all the perks from Elite down. You can further disguise with greater detail. This includes villager subtypes, and many different types of animal types. You can use /rename to rename items without using an anvil! You also now have 5 plots available to your use in creative. You can be noticed with gorgeous purple chat, colored signs, keep 1 additional row more of items in /pv, and set 100 homes.

    • Ultimate
    You gain all the perks from Supreme down, and now you can fly in the Towny world! You unlock the final row of /pv, bringing you up to 6 rows per chest! You have permanent underwater breathing in towny and wild. More disguises allow you to hide among the most varied of creatures, and unlock the remaining effects (besides those in testing). You can use /smelt to quickly smelt ores. Dominate creative with 6 plots to build on. Travel anywhere you want to go with 150 total sethomes!
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2018
    Lt_Sponge, Adrian, riri30 and 4 others like this.