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Best Posts in Thread: Media Application from jrs25872

  1. jrs25872

    jrs25872 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    That is something I would be interested in doing and can do.
  2. jrs25872

    jrs25872 Popular Meeper

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    Member Name jrs25872

    Additional In Game Names: None

    How old are you? 14

    Location: Nova Scotia

    Do you have Discord? Yes

    When did you join Meepcraft? February of 2015

    Have you ever held a media position on another server? No

    Introduction: Hello, my name is Josh but you all probably know me as jrs. I am a 14 year old high school student living in Nova Scotia, with a passion for anything production related, including video editing and live production. When I am not at school, working, or studying, I am either playing Minecraft, spending time with family, and of course, video editing.

    Why should you be on our Media team? I have been pretty fortunate to have some great experiences with producing content thanks to school actually. My 3 years in middle school is probably where most of my experience came from. At that school, the anouncements were actually broadcasted on the local TV station and produced entirely by students, me being one of them. Most of the things I learned about live production came from that, and since there were days we actually had to edit videos to go live on the show, I actually learned a lot more about video editing as well. With that said, I still learned a lot about video editing on my own time, before this all started. Was I good? Not at all. But I learned, and I got better as time went on.

    Thanks to that I also know a lot about quality and using my time efficiently. Yes, it does take me hours to do a single video (Each example I used took 2 hours or more) but if I use that time right, something good can come out of it

    What is the main platform that players can go and publicly view your content on, and what is your typical content comprised of? I usually upload my videos to YouTube whenever I get the chance. Most of my videos are about 1-2 minutes long if they are the trailer kind of style I used for my two examples, which is what I mostly do.

    Example 1 of video content:

    Example 2 of video content.