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Best Posts in Thread: Application for Staff

  1. bass_flow

    bass_flow Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    In Game Name: Bass_flow
    Skype (Yes/No): Yes
    Teamspeak Username: bass_flow
    Mic use: Yes
    Age: 16
    Timezone: GMT
    Hours online per weekday: 1-3h
    Hours online per weekend: 2-7h
    Position Changes: Citizen-Helper


    So how is it best to start this, well lets re-introduce myself. My name is liberty, however most of you will know me by my in-game name bass_flow. I am a big fan of The Hunger Games trilogy and I love to read, but I hope by now that some of you know that :).
    I have been up and down and up and down with staff these past few months contemplating whether to rejoin staff or not. Some of it involved me even becoming a staff hater, and I am sorry I have felt that way. Now I have reached a decision to try once again to become the staff member I once was, maybe even better. But you are probably sitting there now thinking what went wrong, so lets go way back to the beginning where I made one of the biggest mistakes that I will always regret.

    It all started in about June/July, I'm sure a lot of you heard about the mass spawner duping and how it brought millions into the eco, well I was involved in that. And no I didn't dupe, what I did was different, to put it plainly I mislead a lot of players. One of the dupers told me about how he was getting so much money, I was very unsure about whether the method was legal or not which was stupid really considering I was a staff member. So I took the problem to MrsMegan, I'm not sure if these are the exact words but she told me that there was nothing in the rules about it being illegal but she herself would class it as illegal. I told this to the player, however I was still unsure and intended on speaking to Sirrr_pig. Unfortunately I never got round to doing that, and instead the whole thing came out. A huge amount of players were banned and both myself and Megan were demoted, I blame a lot of this on myself.
    I still wanted to help people so I stayed as helper for about a month, while Megan left staff entirely. While being helper I can quite rightly say that I couldn't function properly, I was not living up to my helper duties. This was partially down to my demotion, however a lot of it was school. When it finally came to it, leaving staff seemed like the best option, so I went with that.
    So here we are now, and I have finally decided to reapply again.
    I feel that I would make a great addition to the team once again as I have 10 months of experience of being a staff member on meepcraft. Of course a lot has changed since I have left, however I am a quick learner and with the correct guidance I could soon be back on track.
    I also thoroughly enjoy helping other people, in fact I never have stopped loving it. It is one of the reasons that is pushing me to apply again. I think that being helper again will enable me to once again enjoy doing what I love but also bringing smiles to peoples faces when they have been helped.
    When I want to get something done I do it, and won't stop until its done. This has been shown in the past times that I have been a staff member. So I think that great dedication and work ethic could help me hugely as a staff member and I will aim to do as much as I humanly can.
    Finally I feel that I have a rather mature attitude towards most things and I think that this would help with being a staff member. This is because most situations need you to be mature and without that maturity I believe you will get no where.

    Now on to the weaknesses. However much I wish there were no weaknesses, there always are. First of my inactivity. I have been hugely inactive of these past few weeks, on teamspeak and in-game. This is because of multiple exams that have been going on and I have been needing to put a lot of time towards them. However exams won't occur again until about may time, and I want to try and see how I can cope with being a staff member whilst also doing school work. If I do become a staff member and at any time feel way to much stress than I should be, it will probably mean I would have to leave. Secondly I think that my teamspeak inactivity still isn't great even if I have had exams. This is because I lack a lot of confidence, however this is something I would really like to try and overcome and it might be made possible if I became a staff member.

    In conclusion, I feel that taking me on as a staff again would be great for both parties. I would be able to make up for my wrong doing and staff would gain a hopefully a great staff member. Thank you very much if you took the time to read this, I'm sure It took me a lot longer to write that it did for you to read this. However I look forward to reading your comments and one more thing, have a great Christmas everyone!
    P.s Please note that I do go on holiday on Monday, so I will not be on for an entire week.
    Neil_WW, marsmalc, KyloMeep and 12 others like this.
  2. CyborgZeroX

    CyborgZeroX -=Retired Staff Member=- Elder

    Likes Received:
    +9001 I had the honor of working by your side While you were staff.
    zandra00799, jmelara, cooey and 5 others like this.
  3. Perryjay2

    Perryjay2 Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Mans got a point
    --- Double Post Merged, Dec 29, 2014, Original Post Date: Dec 29, 2014 ---
    It was a lil more than that doe. Considering steve made about 28 mil from diamonds himself, rikuo made 54 sets of god armour, i got 1100 spawners and neil pretty much made about 35 mil doing everything. Ofc, nothing to be too proud off, just wanted to get the numbers right :p
  4. Cooleysworld

    Cooleysworld Celebrity Meeper Elder

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  5. n00bslayer_99

    n00bslayer_99 i like kebab

    Likes Received:
    Bass didn't dupe
  6. bass_flow

    bass_flow Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    Well a lot of the reason I left was because stress levels were getting high and I didn't feel quite like I belonged after my demotion. I never stopped wanting to be staff, I just felt like I needed a break, after all doesn't everyone need one?
  7. chrisandmatthew

    chrisandmatthew Celebrity Meeper

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    actually though +1 ur sweg
  8. Cookies713

    Cookies713 Celebrity Meeper

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    I was sorely disappointed to hear that it was you and Megan involved in the duping 'disaster'. You two were my favourite staff and I have been waiting for you to apply again, you will be an awesome Helper. Welcome to the staff team in advance! +1
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2014