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Best Posts in Thread: Make Bans In-Game public again

  1. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    We know bans are private, hence the suggestion.

    On most other servers, bans are visible. As a result, when new players join the server and see something like "F*** this server it sux!! Every1 charge back!" and don't see an accompanying ban message, a bad message of the staff team and the server is conveyed. In my experience, this has pushed away far more new players than the spam after ban messages, something that can be mitigated anyways via /gtoggle.

    In case that wasn't clear, here's an example.

    [G/TownsA] [Ultimate] VKL_ReWindzZ: Screw this terrible f***ing server! It sucks! It's the worst server in the world. Everyone charge back.
    [MeepCraft] VKL_ReWindzZ has been banned by XChaosZeroX for 7 days because of: Server Hate
    [New Player] Ah, okay, so the staff team is doing its job.


    [G/TownsA] [Elite] mickthomson56: Fuzzlr is a ******! Everyone charge back! Kill the *******!
    *mickthomson56 silently gets banned without anyone noticing*
    [New Player] What the hell? /modlist says that there are mods online... is this kind of crap really acceptable on this server? I guess it really is...I guess I quit--this place must really suck if people can get away with saying that crap.

    Now this is where we get toxic new players, because they don't see bans for behavior similar to this and begin imitating it in shout.

    +1 to the suggestion
    cooey, BlackJack, nhjed and 14 others like this.
  2. Killer2themx

    Killer2themx Celebrity Meeper

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    For people wondering about why people got banned or even if someone does something bad in chat, people will see they got banned and know that that certain action is not allowed. It reenforces the rules and reminds people.
  3. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    In response to "bans are private" - bans are hardly private. if you /seen someone you see their name crossed out. it's only human to wonder what they did. when people file a ban appeal, it is public - staff are going to be questioned about bans from other players either way.

    I've noticed that when we don't tell players why their friend was banned they tend to think that we made a false ban or that we don't trust ourselves. if making the ban reasons public again solves this, I think the pros would outweigh the minor spam that may be associated
    cooey, Toostenheimer, iMelXP and 8 others like this.
  4. junelawnchaired

    junelawnchaired neat-o!

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    honestly I wouldn't mind this coming back. it creates a more open environment between staff and players. it also helps notify people about the rules. from what I recall, the spam was not so unbearable that people wouldn't play. if anything, people were more immersed in the community. -/+ for now.
    cooey, Bob4444444, Aightfam and 6 others like this.
  5. BooBear1227

    BooBear1227 Sunflower | Always

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    I had always had an issue with them being private. While they are not our personal business, it sets a standard for understanding that you will be banned if you do something bad. I honestly think it does a huge dis-service to the staff team because then more people argue that they didn't know that. "Read the rules" - the rules don't include everything you can be banned for. Yes, it argues that staff can feel free at anytime to ban you for any length and any reason.

    You don't even have to put the player name in the "x was banned by y for z" Just say something like, player was banned for x time for y offense. And then staff can see the player name.

    Spam for a few seconds after a ban is not bad. Get over yourself. Create a chat for bans. You can see them if you want to. You can only talk about bans that happened in that chat. Simple and easy.

    Honestly. I hate wasting forum posts on report-a-players when the person was either kicked or banned already. Waste of my time, effort, and it's the waste of the staff member's time as well. So, I just stopped reporting people. Let people do bad things.

    I'm a supporter for this to be pushed through even though I know this will not get passed. I get it's not needed right now, but it can honestly be thought about, so there is no reason why this shouldn't be moved to accepted and then just thrown away in denied awhile later.
  6. SX1

    SX1 Celebrity Meeper

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    (Here is an example that actually happened to me.)
    I once saw a player hacking in kitpvp (shocker) and recorded him and switched to youtube while uploading the evidence. I switched back to Minecraft and he was banned and I never saw a message or anything (it literally takes 10 seconds for me to get the uploading to start and switch back to minecraft) I wasted my time finishing uploading it, and telling a staff member about it, then he told me "He was banned 10 mins ago."

    I never seen this happen when we had 1000 players online daily.

    Shouldn't have broken the rules if you're so embarrassed about getting banned >.>
    Dart_Knight, cooey, Cherrykit and 5 others like this.
  7. Bob4444444

    Bob4444444 Celebrity Meeper

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    You know we can see if a player is banned or not with /seen, so this point is invalid.

    The Meepcraft community has changed greatly since it was last shown. I say that they should be shown for a week, and if it gets too out of hand and becomes a nuisance again, we lost our privilege. Just at least give it a try. It'll be easy to see within a couple days whether it was the right choice or not, and there's really no harm in trying.

  8. DeerlandingXD

    DeerlandingXD what tha!!

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    I've got to say +1 to this, because I agree with what metr0 said, and we get pretty much the same amount of spam from people saying "ban" after the person has already been banned as we did with the whole "gg" "lol bans" and all that jazzy jazz.
    cooey, Bob4444444, kittynom and 4 others like this.
  9. iMelXP

    iMelXP bean team

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    I know this won't be accepted regardless but here's my +/-

    +Shows punishment and staff presence that metr0 mentioned
    +Discourages players from committing such offenses due to the shame involved with publicization
    +Discourages gossip about others as the truth is readily available to them

    -Slight spam in chat after bans
    -Inappropriate name bans excessively spam chat

    In all honesty though, people aren't banned so often that it would be a constant spam and people would grow bored of making any comments on most of them after a while. Some bans are amusing to see and it could become a source of amusement for players, but it's just harmless fun.
    Niiicck, GroovyGrevous, cooey and 3 others like this.
  10. Draqq

    Draqq beans on toast

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    Something other than the generic answer that it causes spam.
    --- Double Post Merged, Feb 21, 2016, Original Post Date: Feb 21, 2016 ---
    So, the way you guys tried to combat the issue only resulted in more spam and confusion...

    The only reason I see it as that the staff were upset that they were getting told to do their job right.
  11. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    "Denied, currently not needed."
  12. Lilstokes

    Lilstokes Celebrity Meeper

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    Sorry to break it to you, but this will be denied.
  13. Muunkee

    Muunkee Legendary art supply hoarder

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    Staff's argument is

    Every time we ban a player in chat, we constantly see ''gg' and ''why didn't you ban longer/shorter'' ''He's innocent'' ''unban him''
    it became an annoyance and that's why it was removed

    I'm a +1, I learned the rules and ban lengths off of chat.
    cooey, Skewb, Toostenheimer and 2 others like this.
  14. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I was the one who had the ban messages removed. I asked for them to go away because I was sick of seeing staff, including myself, being questioned by 20 keyboard warriors that felt the need to question the ban, ban reason, and/or ban time.

    It's really none of your business why anyone else but you is banned. Ignorance isn't an excuse to not follow rules, and a ban message doesn't negate that.

    This is literally a case of kids wanting to know things that simply aren't their business.