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Best Posts in Thread: Regarding Impersonation of a Staff Member

  1. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    eventually breathing is gonna be illegal
    Qaztar, TNT404, zsuzsu1 and 17 others like this.
  2. IGotBored

    IGotBored Celebrity Meeper

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    ~Peper~, TNT404, Qaws and 16 others like this.
  3. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Hey--I just had a quick question, which may or may not be relevant to recent events :)

    As we all know, impersonation of a staff member is a bannable offense. However, what constitutes impersonation?

    I just wanted to make the rules 100% clear so nobody gets banned again, because, as everyone knows, getting banned isn't fun, so please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Obviously, impersonating a staff member in order to look like a staff member isn't allowed--Fuzzlr2, Supermod, etc. would be examples.

    It also seems as if names containing that of a staff member also are illegal. For example, the recent ban of I_Hear_A_Klitch fits this category, as well as several other bans I won't bother to recall.

    It would also seem that having a similar name to a staff member is acceptable with the permission of the staff member (Klutchdickles).

    So here's a question: what if two players have similar names, and one of them becomes staff? Would the non-staff player be forced to change his name?

    For example, if we have two players names Antiacus and Antiacus_, and Antiacus becomes staff, what happens? Or if we have two players names, say, Notchbeard and Notchsbeard, and Notchsbeard (obviously the newer of the two players) becomes staff, what happens?

    Thanks for any insights!
    Enron, MoonlitMadness, Hyori and 13 others like this.
  4. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    This rule is one of the most asinine rules I've ever seen here, and I actively fought against it while staff. To the point where someone did log in with a copy of my name, and I threatened to quit if anything happened to them. The only thing I dislike more than this rule are people who feel the need to issue a ban over it.

    As someone who has been admin twice, and other ranks numerous times; this has never ever once happened. Nobody is confused. The true reason a ban was issues was because there was letters on a forum page saying to ban for it. Nobody actually did a damage assessment on it, because if anyone had used common sense in the matter you would know this isn't a big deal, and it's not worth banning a customer off your server and persuades him further to no longer spend money here.
    PeriHeika, Burritoh, 2leah2 and 7 others like this.
  5. Toostenheimer

    Toostenheimer Legendary Meeper

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    I see no basic reason why Matt was banned for "Staff Impersonation". I understand that he had a staff member's username in his new name, but I don't see that as impersonation. He used two different usernames and combined them. He doesn't have a mod rank and his name isn't "Klitch" reworded. Players can easily know the difference between a player with a rank and a player with a staff rank.

    Klitch's name isn't "I_Hear_A_Klitch" nor was it ever his username. There was no way that was staff impersonation. He could've had his username approved by Klitch himself, though.
    Enron, Hyori, Burritoh and 7 others like this.
  6. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    I suspect banning players over a name is subsequently worse compensation than your boss just paying you guys. We can safely assume that the excuse of confusion is just that, an excuse, because nobody has ever been confused as a staff by a name. People know who everyone is, most of their alts, and any new changes cause players to question the change. Nobody is confused, this is purely an ego issue.

    <3 you Klutch, but defense of a stupid, stupid, stupid rule is stupid. Removing players over trivial issues that cause no damage cannot be a successful endeavor. Whoever thought of this rule is a nimcompoop because you'll end up punishing people who truly look up to staff, or a certain staff member and change their name to reflect this in some way.

    Just be a good guy, and tell your team to put on their big boy/girl pants and stop having such a sensitive ego where a kid with a similar name offends them so much they just have to ban them to fix the issue.

    To reiterate: This rule is as dumb as Donald Trump.
    Qaztar, 2leah2, zsuzsu1 and 6 others like this.
  7. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Did you see the likes I got on the other thread? Always try to double down.
    FunGUY, Kling, epick8 and 3 others like this.
  8. Kling

    Kling Break blocks not hearts

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    I say for the most part it depends on whether that staff member is bothered by it or not.
  9. benster82

    benster82 Celebrity Meeper

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    I have an "e" in my name. Should I be worried?
    Bob4444444, FunGUY, TNT404 and 2 others like this.
  10. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    @KlutchDecals it was obviously not clear that everyone had a thirty day warning before being banned.
    While I continue to disagree with the concept still, this is something that was not revealed to me and as a result when "staff perks" came into the idea it made me very unhappy. However, if there is a month to change it, I am fine with it. I don't have a big enough opinion on what is happening here really.
    Is there something wrong with miscommunication? I was confused by a wording, now I understand. That was what I had hoped to get out of this conversation. I appreciate your time. Thank you.
    Last edited: May 26, 2016
  11. Deinen

    Deinen S'all Good Man

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    Except War Machine > Iron Man
  12. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    @KlutchDecals is this what you spend all night arguing about? If you think a game keeps me up at night I've obviously made the wrong impression.
    This rule is a staff impersonation thread, not a player impersonation thread. If staff are not thick enough to understand that "Klutchawesome" is not harrassment then I don't know what to say.
    Also, you could have said that you didn't know what to say about my comment instead of making a mockery out of it.
    @Muunnkee - Alexia what you said about staff impersonation being confusing is obvious, and that is something I understand. However, Klutch has stated that is not the reason and as a result I need to know why the reputation of staff is more important than that of a player.
    The reason why this is an issue is because, like most global rules, there is no exact line on what is impersonation and what is not. There will never be that line, and so there will be controversy at one point or another.
    I apologize for not using quotes, phones are nubs.
  13. epick8

    epick8 The Meme Lord

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    The only time I can think of it being an issue was when someone change their name to reggles1 or something very similar to that and message that staff were trying to relay to the real reggles went to him, so he was sent staff info by accident. He had intentionally change his name to match reggles as well because he was a decent member of the community who had been here some time before changing his name. Other than that has never been a problem in either of my tenures. Idk, I can see the inconvenience it could cause, but I'd think its more so one of those rules that are there just in case. Players hardly ever get punished for the rule and when they do do it, is cuz they are trolls and interfering with staff work. I've never seen someone do it out of respect for another staff.
    As yes, the lack of compensation for hours upon hours of work is counterbalanced by protecting your names. #worth :p

    maybe so, but prob cuz klutch has dedicated an immeasureable amount of time and even personal funds to the server while you are hardly more than a toxic little turd. thats prob why he can bend a rule or two
  14. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    Wasnt actually my account, and I told the person to change it after 30 days. Nice rant though. LOL
    --- Double Post Merged, May 25, 2016, Original Post Date: May 25, 2016 ---
    Im not really sure where you were going with this but um.... most was a joke.

    Basically the way the rules fall are like this.

    Harrasment - KlutchSucks, Klutch_isdumb, ect. This rule applies to everyone on the server that has someone rename something after them. If legendcaleb didnt want legendgayleb, I would have the player change it.

    Impersonation - KlutDecals, Klutch_decals, (or someone sying "Im klutch on an alt"). Bannable anyway.

    Sexref is obvious.

    Anything we use judgment to decide is a purposeful hit on the staff or players is what we go off of. If a totally random player had KlutckKick, and hes like woah ironic! I wouldnt make them change it. But if anyone here changes it, its pretty obvious the reason is to annoy or troll.

  15. nhjed

    nhjed Celebrity Meeper

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    But I can guaranteeeeeeeee if I renamed myself to Dickjed I wouldn't last longer than 30 minutes. What makes it acceptable for you to do it? There's no overlooking the inside joke in the name KlutchDICKles. If I recall correctly, the other day I got banned for saying something smaller than that. But who even cares I've gotten banned 30 times on this server - right?

    Keep your username you bearded freak, but the fact that you can let s*** slide and I can't makes it seem like you're a cop driving 80mph without his lights on in a 60mph driving zone (don't judge my analogies)

  16. PeriHeika

    PeriHeika Celebrity Meeper

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    Okay, I don't understand anymore.
    It didn't really matter to me when this post first came out, but now I would appreciate if specific people could hear me out.
    First off, it's not about the perks. Staff is not a perk: it's a service. I have never liked banning anyone, and since this seems to be an absurd reason to punish people I don't see why it is necessary.
    I will also state that in my Minecraft life I have seen the names BeriHeika, PinkChuPikaPoo, GrenChuPikaWoo, and Peri. If anything that seems more respectful in my eyes as they are showing a display of affection by following your name style. No, I do not agree that the name "PeriHeika" compared to "PerHeika" should be allowed, however none of the examples used in this debate have been of the sort.
    You're also meaning to tell me, that a name such as "Klutchawesome" is bannable for harassment, but if we were to take @cooey and someone were to rename themselves "cooey_should_die" it won't be under the same circumstances because he is not staff? If we were to take this impersonation rule away and use the harassment agenda everyone will be protected no matter what.
    Either use better examples of why impersonation is bad, or explain to me as to why the players are unequal to the staff.
    I don't understand how protecting a Minecraft name has anything to do with being paid on a Minecraft server. If anyone wants respect we earn it, and if there is a player who is literate enough to ask for help on Meepcraft they are also capable to see that "KlutcDecals" is different than "KlutchDickles"
    The perk is keeping the community satisfied. If that's not enough for anyone they aren't staff for the right reasons.
    Last edited: May 25, 2016
  17. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    See this is where I can tell youre arguing to argue.

    It is mainly to avoid confusion. I dont need KlutchDimples raiding plots and killing people.
    If Jonseyclutch is here He can keep his name. But if someone CHANGES THEIR NAME TO BE LIKE MINE>
    Thats where an issue is.
    If KlutchMoves joins the server tomorrow, Its not an issue unless they make it one.

    The problem is when people do "/msg klutch I need help asap", I dont get it.

    So its digression and yeah, us having protected names does compensate us a bit.
  18. KlutchDecals

    KlutchDecals The Real Ironman Elder

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    1 perk of being staff is that we get to protect our name. If someone makes a name change directed towards a staff member, it may not be "impersonation" however its more or less harassment. KlutchDickles was my account, therefore, its fine.

    If someone made Klutchawesome, and I didnt want it. Yes i can make them change it, Same goes for all staff.
    Before all the "but thats not fairrrr blah blah blah comes in, Just keep in mind we dont get paid here. Keeping our names and reputation safe is one of the perks.
  19. alex77034

    alex77034 Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'

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    I asked @junelawnchair about this topic and she said that the problem with impersonating a staff member is that people can mistake you for a staff member, and then there's alot of confusion and side effects that come after it. While its debatable what makes a name similar to a staff member's, having a staff member's name in their name could still make it be different. Not to mention I and a few others have been banned for this and just waited out the thirty days. Matt's name is still different from Klitch's, and it comes down to if there is confusion between who is who, and if that name complicates communication between staff members and players.
  20. metr0n0me

    metr0n0me Legendary Meeper

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    Hm. I see, thanks for clarifying. I suppose it just comes down to a judgment call, right?
    --- Double Post Merged, May 14, 2016, Original Post Date: May 14, 2016 ---
    I mean, this can be a problem with anything, right? If you're sending sensitive information, it's probably best to do it over Slack. If you're doing it over /msg, you just have to make sure you've got the right Klitch. (if you /msg Klitch, as opposed to /msg klitch, it'll go to the correct person).

    Though I'll admit I do see your perspective. Again, thanks for the clarification.