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RIP Mending

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KlutchDecals, Sep 22, 2016.

  1. 00000

    00000 Guest

    ok. name the others mr. community ambassador
    Adrian and Toostenheimer like this.
  2. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    If you want i can /msg you ingame :)
  3. CanadianMinerBoi

    CanadianMinerBoi Meeper

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    I wonder if these guys work at the Federal reserve because I believe if we take this to the real world.

    We can fix the world economy.

    How about if Ford bought out all the tools from mechanics and the UN banned tools to repair anything so we can sell more stuff when crap breaks. Oh Oh! wait
    How about StarBucks buys all the coffee makers out there and the UN bans the sale of new Coffee makers, Yea! then everyone will have to buy from Starbucks and we will make a fortune.

    BY GEORGE we got a solution! Lets call the PRESIDENT!

    Economies don't work that way!
  4. Lilliya

    Lilliya Celebrity Meeper

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    its a minecraft economy, not a real life economy, if the whole economy worked off real life based systems, many aspects of the server would be dead content, think it through before understanding how resources on minecraft is much more easier to obtain in real life, resulting in nerfs etc etc
  5. CanadianMinerBoi

    CanadianMinerBoi Meeper

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    lol is that what you call it? I call it a bunch of friends of the server owner got together and decided that removing mending books to help them sell more stuff more frequently. What I don't understand is why Fuz listens to them.

    /Fix was removed prob because Mojang changed the rules, it was something that favored people who payed for perks and privileges or ranks.

    Anyways no point arguing with everyone although this is a forum for that purpose. What I don't understand is that you still believe that people will just get used to the changes and continue on the same manner of play. You know suicide is easier in minecraft as in people will just log off and start a new life elsewhere.

    I guess the economy is much too difficult to control for you guys or Mojang has taken that ability to support the server with ranks or usual stuff.

    Also I hope you don't assume we're all children playing. I don't play mine-craft servers for the game I play it for the economic study of interactions of separate individuals. I watch how servers handle problems and try to correct them. I also watch rl economies and governments and their mistakes. So I understand why Fuz would listen to the barons of meep.

    The server could, if Mojang permits, is to create separate currencies like most other games.
    Sigh! whats really the point?
    You do what you thing will help and when it gets bad you will all sit there and say "well its not a real eco it's mine craft" and then complain that the server is dead.

    Mom - "There is a reason why no one wants to play with you Billy, you need to let your friends play with your toys."
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2016
  6. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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    Fuzzlr helped make the decision.
    So why are you arguing?
    Not like you could
    Its not all but there are some like you
    Again. Why are you arguing? Plus the eco is not that bad now.
  7. CanadianMinerBoi

    CanadianMinerBoi Meeper

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    Ha! Check the dates before you reply next time.
    I seem to have moved on and don't play the server anymore.

    If your having fun, Thats a good thing right?
  8. Adrian

    Adrian Epic Staff Member Administrator

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