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Best Posts in Thread: Town Hall Meeting 5:30 EST

  1. Fuzzlr

    Fuzzlr Owner Staff Member Owner

    Likes Received:
    Come to the town hall meeting at 5:30 EST! Talk about anything MeepCraft-related with Fuzzlr and the staff of MeepCraft. Connect to our TeamSpeak server at ts.meepcraft.com.
    KyloMeep, Summers, Pmx728 and 4 others like this.
  2. Dockson

    Dockson Celebrity Meeper

    Likes Received:
    For those who couldn't attend the meeting yesterday, I'll write down what I remember being addressed.

    1. Spawn - It did not cost 5,000$, it was actually under 3,000$ and the contract with the building team includes future modifications.
    - I asked about the coldness/not-welcoming nature of the Spawn Hub, it was acknowledged.
    - Regarding why our own architects were not given the opportunity to develop a spawn: A professional building team was prefered in this case
    - Why was a new Spawn needed: it has a much more adjusted layout, the problem is the materials chosen.
    2. Moderation - Fuzzlr apologized for not discussing recent mass unbans with the higher staff, he intends to be more open in this area
    - He admitted that the staff team was not appreciated enough and plans on staying in contact with the ones who retired recently, open communication was the main point in this discussion.
    3. Techs - Dblosevn is amazing, he does a great job, the server can't afford a second tech at this moment.
    4. Parkour - It is on Dblosevn's to-do list, but I did not get any information about the priority of fixing the coal block system.
    5. Skype - If you have any questions you would like to have answered, feel free to contact Fuzzlr directly on his skype (Fuzzlr), he will do his best to answer all of them in his own time.
    6. Events - The plan is to bring back hosting of events as we used to have a couple months ago (Death by Anvil, Musical Chairs ... etc)

    If anyone remembers anything else, feel free to quote me on it, I didn't take notes, just trying to recall the things that were said.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2015