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Best Posts in Thread: Your future!

  1. GingerManOWNS

    GingerManOWNS Selfie Master! BOW!!

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    I was interested in what everyone would like to be when they're older or for you older folks what your dream job was or maybe still is? Also for us young-ens still in high school what you'd like to go to college for?

    I'd like to get a degree in Criminal Justice and Business Management

    Then my dream job is to be a police officer then work my way up to SWAT. Or even be a C/O in a prison and either way I'd like to own my own business but not sure what my business will be for...

    YEHAAAAAAAAAAAW Popular Meeper

    Likes Received:
    I have three options:
    1. Blend into the crowd of immigrants and go into Germany
    2. Go study in France because its cheap.
    3. Turn to crime.
    Realistically thought I might do the first one, after seeing how germans threat those guys.
    metr0n0me, cooey, Muunkee and 4 others like this.
  3. andrewrobins

    andrewrobins My views are my own.

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    I want my own pancake house ")
    metr0n0me, cooey, Muunkee and 4 others like this.
  4. Zer0000000000

    Zer0000000000 Popular Meeper

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    The most unrealistic dream a person could say.

    I really want to be in a band, not to be 'famous,' or 'well known' I just really love music, poetry, expressing myself. I want to be a guitar player so badly, I practice my guitar everyday, I love to write slam poetry, my mind is full of creative ideas. Even if don't have plan yet, that's what I'm reaching for, my dad did it, so can I. It's not about making it, it's about having fun and doing something you love, and all my dreams would come true if this does happen. Not just playing guitar, but writing music, writing songs that can move people, writing songs that can help people, make people feel hopefully. So yeah, that's my dream.

    (I'll make it happen, you wait.)
  5. Imperfectly

    Imperfectly Celebrity Meeper

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    Finally one that sounds realistic for le Meepcraft players.

    Every1 be saying studying Law, Architecture, chemical engineering, Biochemistry..

    I'd like to be a dentist and what I am aiming for atm :)